Saturday, June 13, 2009

No HarD FeeLiNg..

Assalamualaikum Yaa Ahli KuBo..!! agaGa..

Erm... aGak BuhSan La Cuti2 ni.. Setiap kaLi Cuti SeM = Mission Yg x Pyah d paksa aK TerBuat, Menternakkan LeMak + Habeskan BerAs Kt UmAh! Al-Maklum la... M.A.S ahaha, SaMa MaksuD MAK BAPAK TANGGUNG !
kat UmAh, Mcm2 boleh BuAt, Tp Ak Je Yg Malas.. JgN geLak! At leaSt ak JUjO kan ??!!

RinDunYe ZaMaN "kegemilangaN" = PrakTikaL @ GolDen SaNds PeNaNg [1 Dis - 5 aPr '09]. 1st impression ak kat hotel msa mula2 ak masuk, menympah gak + cuak dowh.. KiTe ni Trainee je.. X dpt d Nafikan, ak mmg Jadi Plastik ar Dpan Chef + Staff kat situ seBulan pertama! Then, Bulan2 seterusnye, x Sedar ak Jadi GLer2, Suka Kaco Org, Suka SerGah chEf & staff, mmG x ConTroL La ak Kat Ctu.. BlaJo nye x Le D kAguMi Sgt2... anD ak JadI mUka X mALu.. SukA2 je, ak PakSa sTaff/cheF bLanja aK.. ak akan ungkit smpai dpt.. haha.. MMg 80% beZa ar chaRacTer aK Kat UiTM..

BukaN aK x De kenaNgan PahIt Kt Sna, Tp Byk Sgt MeMorI BeSH, TeNggeLam SuDaa Yg PaHIt/MaSam PunYe meMori. PeRnaH aK NaNgiS TerOk Ar Sbb Ak Dh T'exPlode Org TuDuH Ak McM2... X Pe Ar, SlH Phm Tuu..
Kt HoTel, Ak Ada BaPaK agKat.. BesH.. OtaK KiToraNg sMa = GlEr2... EveRyDay Ak MsTi KaCo Dia. BeLiaU Je Ak X bRani SerGah Sbb Dia Ada HeaRt aTTack !! Sma Mcm BaBa ak..

HuH... MajoriTi mmBer Ak BaLik PraKtiKal, MusTi Sgkut NgaN sape ar Kt HotEl Tu.. TraiNee Laa.. Staff La.. BuriNg Je.
Lo0k at Me, SoLo Je.. HaHa.. BuaT KeJa SenDiRi.. AsaL Ak SeNaNg aTi !!

Dh LmA Ak X PeGaNg BuKu.. MaTi ar Ak MaSUk Sem 5 nnTi.. X Mo ar Jd BeNgAp sBB Dh LmA X Bce BuKu / MaSok KeLas. Ak CuBE Ar X Mo JaDi WoRsT... BiLe2 Ak RaJin Ak CrItA PaSaL Ak Lg.. SaJe.. X nk Bce SudAA.. aK KeSAh HaPe ?! wakakakaka....

Monday, November 10, 2008

My FaTe..

Sem 3 nI = SeM mAlAnG BuAt AkU..

Ak BuKaNnYa X ReDhA dGn DuGaAn-nYa, Tp McM2 MaSaLaH Ak AdA..
1. SubJek Yg SsH.. Ak DaH lA x PaNdAi.. McM MnA Ni..
2. MaSaLaH RumIt Yg AkU dIfItnAh a.k.a Ak X BuaT Pon KeSaLaHaN Tu.
SuMPaH aNd AkU x TaKut DaH.. SbB BuKan Aku Yg BuAt. MmG Aku X
mAaFkAn OrG Yg TuDuh AkU. NaSib La.. BiKin HaTi Aku SsH.. PeRgI MmP0S!
3. RePoRt S.0.D Yg HaRam... Aku KeNa TaWakkAl + ReDhA Je La..
4. Dh La PraCtiCal Ak StILL PenDiNg.. Org LAiN Dh ComFiRm, DpT LanGkaWi
pLak Tu... PerGh, SoNoknYer! AkU ?! Hmm.. MmG MaLaNG Kan ?!
5. ExAm Yg McM HaRaM.. Ak TaKut FaIL + KeCunDaNg ! MmBer LaIn
BuAt HeBaT + TeRoR.. Aku Jer YaNg TeRPesOng.. I caN feEl It !!

Friday, October 17, 2008


Aloha... First of all, I just want to say WELCOME TO MY BLOG. Actually my blog is not quite "superb" as you are, right? The name was given to me is Nur Fatin binti Razali. My date of birth is 22nd. July 1989. So, absolutely my zodiac is Cancer. Describe about me... I have no specific idea to describe about me. Since I was child, I never get something that can remind me or make me proud, means, my life such a normal. In easy word, nothing special. The character of me.. I guess I'm such a person that untalkative with stranger and easily tempered in some situation. I'm a big fan of comedy or romantic comedy film especially film from west site. That genre of film make me laugh and at the same time, I could forget or ignore my problem at the moment. I have 4 siblings, 2 big brother and 1 sister. And I'm the youngest one. My brother and sister already married. So, now I have 1 and 2 nieces. One thing, lately I was thought that, we must remind ourselves, (so am I) that "WHAT GOES AROUND, WILL COMES AROUND". Based on my experiences. Surely, all of you know what the meaning of that sentences, isn't it? Erm.. Perhaps it is quite enough to explain about me..